Sunday, April 04, 2010

Write for ten topic, Sunday, April 4

Do you frequent Starbucks? If so, what's your favorite drink; if not, why not?

Do I frequent Starbucks? You betcha! And, if I were to stop going to my local Starbucks, they'd probably close the location because their gross income on "stores open over a year" would fall so dramatically.

You know you go to Starbucks (too?) often when 5 out of the 7 baristas that man (people?) that location during the week know your order and automatically ask, "One, two or three?"

If the answer is "One", they know to ring up a grand caramel frappacino, which is my favorite Starbucks drink.

If the answer is "Two", they know to add a strawberry banana Vivano, with whip cream on top for my wife.

If the answer is "Three", they know to add a grand mocha frappacino with chocolate on top of the whip cream, which I give as a treat to the house-bound old timer across the street at least once or twice a week.

And I know the totals for Two's and Three's before they ring it up. A Two is $8.45 and a Three is $13.33. It is not often that I get a One, but I think it is $4.85.

I don't go daily, but probably average 4 times a week. Which makes it (big gulp!) a $50 a week habit.

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