Sunday, July 01, 2001

That's a good question

I'm a big fan of Marilyn Vos Savant, who has a column in the weekly Parade Sunday newspaper suppliment. She is pretty, brainy (she's in the Guinness Book of Records for Highest IQ) and has a wild sense of humor.

In today's issue she published a couple dozen questions that readers had sent in that don't need to be answered, just enjoyed. Here are my favorites from the collection...

If you sank an elevator shaft through the earth from the U.S. to Australia and baorded the elevator in New York, would you be standing on your head when the elevator door opened in Sydney?

Is it true than an IQ can actually differ dramatically even from day to day? Is it also true than an IQ can drop even without having children or any other activity that causes brain damage?

I heard there is a USA Shopping Team. Where can I find out about it and how do I join?

Ahem, if you know the answer to that last one, please let me know. I'm sure that my wife is qualified and would be interested in it.

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