Monday, March 01, 2010

First Memories

What is your earliest childhood memory? Is the memory really yours or do you think it comes from photos and family stories?

The first real memories that I recall were in Havre de Grace, MD. My dad was in the Army and was due to ship out soon for Europe. Mom and I were visiting.

And then WWII ended! Oh, the noise of all the car horns blaring. I didn't/couldn't understand at age 5 what the hell was going on, but I sure knew something big was happening.

Dad's mom then got some Congressman she knew to pull strings and he came home shortly thereafter. Like so much of my dad's happenings, I never learned the full, true story.

My mom kept in touch with the family of the little neighbor girl that I played with while we were there. She then set me up with a date with her when I was working in the Washington, DC area in 1961. We had one date: I took her to Atlantic City and we walked the boardwalk -- rather awkwardly, I have to admit. Never saw her again.

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