Friday, March 12, 2010

What is an invention you would like to see become real?

The best one would be an over-the-counter Get Well pill.

Just imagine. You have a nasty cold. Stop at the drug store and pick up a Get Well pill. (Wonder what they will call drug stores when they no longer have pharmacies inside? CVS, I guess, will become an upscale convenience store.)

You have something more serious? No problem. Stop at the any convenience store and pick up a Get Well pill.

Obviously, the side effects of the Get Well pill will be many fold. Hospitals will be empty and converted into condos, no doubt. Doctors will have to retire and live off of their unreasonable gains acquired pre-pill. Health insurance companies will be lining up for government handouts -- keeping their lobbyists employed for years.

A whole industry will learn what it is to be the stuckee versus the stucker. Which makes for a smile inducing visual, eh?

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